Xsenka - Mayan Astrology and Vedic Astrology in Legnica
Private chat with Xsenka - Mayan Astrology and Vedic Astrology in Legnica online. 10-15 years of experience in Vedic Astrology. Hello my dears. Im TAROT master. I dont gonna write here standard blah blah blah, because you already know what questions are answered tarot:relationships, career, health and etc. At different forumes i had read, that some people are disappointed in tarot. So, i want give u some advices. First all all, choice psychic by heart, not by outward appearance, price for session or etc, listen yr heart, only yr heart know, who will give you correct interpritation of information which universe will send. Second, and very very very importannt!!! Ask yr questions correct! Correct question - the key to obtaining useful information! It is important to remember that the cards will never make a decision for the person, they do not impose (dictate) the situation, do not deprive a person opportunity. Tarot just clarify some aspects of the situation, indicate the options. They give you information, so u can make best choice in your situation. I better say u more about my life. I was born not in typical family, all women in our family have differents gift. When i were a little girl i recognise, that not all people see this world, as i see it. When i were 18 i start work with people in different way, some people came for prediction, some people came to me for guide in their past lifes, some people came to me for treatment. I work with people more then 12 years, i very happy that i have such gift, which could make other people feel calm, healthy and happy. I also teaching tarot online. Basic course took near 12 lessons. After finishing my course, u will able help yrself and yr friends. And u will think...huh, how i live before without tarot. ))) I have developed a few years ago and successfully implemented in practice successful program for women. With which you can lose weight without dieting. For more than 24 women lost weight and happy. The program is called Tone +. It is last for 1 month of intensive training. Total 13 training 3 times a week for 90 minutes. My prediction happend! Im waiting you in my room to offer you the most mystical experience in a tarot reading and psychic. Get insight on how to move forward in any situation . * Sex and intimacy * Love and relationships * Virtual Dating * Divorce * Soulmates * Career * Money * Luck * Parents and Children * Single * Aura reading * Astral projection * Past lifes * Stress
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