BridgetteVee - Mayan Astrology and Vedic Astrology in Legnica
Have a chat with BridgetteVee - Mayan Astrology and Vedic Astrology in Legnica today. 20-25 years of experience in Vedic Astrology. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS YOU SEEK? YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE PERFECT TIME..As an Astrologer Psychic I will be a conduit to intuit all you want to know and help you see the choices and outcome. This will quicken the path you seek to be fulfilled and set you on you higher path. using many modalities to verify what i see as you medium. So come and spend some time chatting and get to trust I m here to help you.Know that all is possible miracles can be achieved and things can be altered must trust in me and the field is open as we create magic in your life NOW...YOU WILL BE ASTOUNDED!!! Working as a psychic tarot reader for 15 years, and Astrologer for 25 years. I am a fully accredited astrologer. I also have psychic ability and medium. I practice healing therapies in Cape Town, astrology,tarot, i-ching, tao, runes and shamanism are but a few of the modalities used. As a Reiki master you will experience healing in my presence. Meditation and Love is my achieve and merit a gift from Divine Source..This is the Ultimate formula to open myself as a guide and sacred channel, Never will I lie to you, All I ask you come to me with Trust and no doubt when you book a reading with me.This the Secret that you must hold dear in your heart as the quantum field awaits your participation to unfold for you...As a Clairevoyant - Psychic I am able to use whichever modality medium through which i access information in here -now past future .The many years of inner in shamanic visions/ self-healing techniques / Astrology taro numerology Palmestry and i-ching with masters in their having spent much time in isolated meditation ashrams in India and Peru..has shown me to use my childhood gift of intuitive Clairvoyance i can see what is lined up for you in your life here and help you choose and align you so that you may attract and bring your dreams to fruition...I HELP YOU SEE.. that nothing is beyond your reach..SO LET ME SHOW YOU JUST HOW EASY it can be to bring in the Law of attracting Prosperity Success financially -Love relationships - Resolving daily issues that doesnt serve you in your journey..finding lost items/pets..and relocation geographically where you will be in equalibrium to what your soul asks for you to enjoy the JOY-OUS TIME HERE IN THIS TIME AND SPACE . It all awaits you...there is nothing you can not have or do ,only your own conditioning of how you perceive yourself is holding you back from achieving whatever you ask for..I have the ability to see what is there for you..I guide and help you choose how to reach the Ultimate conscious state to Achieve all you will ever need for you to enjoy a full LIFE that you want to questions. If departed souls want to come through they will and /or you can ask me to channel and see what they want to relay to you really dies just transform into the LIGHT being that we occupy when we depart, so you can have resolve of what you want to communicate through me...this we do Alone..therefore it is very important we be alone in readingroom to see truth for you .This is where I Focus on you. This..Only few humans have this ability and if you must be cultivated to be able to use. ( It is powerful beyond words).. and this in itself yield you answers to your questions ...ETC In Private reading you don't need long session with me..I WILL PICK UP on what is in you I connect deeply with you...Remember one thing... as you come to my freechat,.. that I come from a Heart of deep compassion for all Sentient beings and my karma is determined by how truthful and open I am to HELP YOU in you divine path. This is a special time on Earth that we are all in...time is Quickening its pace as info flood our body mind and the clearer you can be about how you can make your life a joyful happy one the More you can bring into your Reality Right now. Don't wait or hesitate ..Give it a try and see How I can help you achieve..I wish you all a blessed day every day.My inner cultivation have taken me to many corners of the world where i obtained phenomenal kn owledge from master teachers/gurus..ONE can only learn from someone wheo has mastered each art of how the mind can expand to look within and find the wisdom of how our PSYCHE have the abilities to venture into alternative realms(which ther is buontless information that hasd gone before and is still REMEMBERED..i SAY REMEMBERED ..BECAUSE IT IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE TO ALL HOWEVER HAVE TO DISCOVER WITHIN ..HOW TO access THIS AND DISCERN WHAT IS RELEVANT TO THE MOMENT (PRESENT)..AND this IS WHY IT IS priceless to have a genuine worker of light-energy vibrational and extra-sensory perception..who can AND will show you what lies before you and in this knowing you can chang all that you wish to advance your path toward JOY HAPPINESS AND ALL THAT YOU WISH FOR..but without the surrendering in the moment and allowing the SAGE/GURU/PSYCHIC ..AND IMPORTANTLY WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE COSMOS(astrology)..i HAVE EARNED MERIT THROUGH BEING AUTHENTIC AND TRUTHFUL IN WHAT I see-intuit-channel-..for you in a if I ask of you to come to me in private reading ..THIS is because my FOCUS IS UNDEVIDED ..and i dedicate all of me TO BRING YOU INTO ALLIGNMENT OF YOUR all souls will go of track of their destiny (just meaning your choice) AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME..but the influence that i can have on your choice in the PRIVATE READING WILL restore and bring you into allignment to ..WHAT YOU REALLY WISH FOR ..NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE ,BUT WITHOUT DEEP INNER WORK YOU WILL HAVE TO RELIVE THIS LIFE IN ORDER TO CHANGE that which need be to bring you the JOY and REALITY..that you wish for in this trust i am here for the GREATEST GOOD COMPASSION AND TO BE A GUIDE AND MEDIATOR to fulfill all your wishes and dreams...never underestimate the gift of inner perspective work that the PSYCHE can develop...I am truelly blessed to be able to share this with you..for WE ARE ALL CO-CREATOR AND ON THIS journey together and i have been given this insight to bring you into alignment of SOURCE(OUR GODSELF-HIGHER BEING)..come to my chatroom connect with me and I will know much about you as we chat openly..then make that choice if you want to CLARIFY EXACTLY WHAT BRINGS YOU TO THE POINT OF DISTRACTION FROM YOU unique path..REMEMBERING who YOU REALLY ARE IS WHAT I WILL REMIND YOU OF IN PRIVATE READING OR email READINGS..WHERE I CAN FOCUS all off my psychic energy ,,TO YOUR quest..THUS YOU WILL REGAIN THE JOY YOU CAME HERE TO EXPERIENCE..and shed the pain you bring into your is your choice,but i SEE for you and will help you to let go of old unserving patterns and believe systems that have trapped you for so long..THIS IS A GREAT SHIFT on our planet NOW.. and much wisdom will come to those who are ready for it..I am here to help you..for only by LIFTING you beautiful SPIRIT-SOUL to higher vibrations can I myself truly ADVANCE MY MOST APPRECIATED gift AS A DEVOTED (psychic and light worker..seeing beyond the normal 3 dimensional, we All have a responsibility to the MISSION of evolving our consciousness( thought) to a higher level of UNDERSTANDING...just why we came here and who we really are in this TIME AND SPACE. I have taken this upon myself as a clairvoyant (opening myself to be an intermediary channel)...Beloved souls who have passed on ( DIED )...will come through for YOU.., but only if you wish for me to express this to you ..WILL I....THERE IS NOT A QUESTION THAT CANNOT BE ANSWERED AS WE ARE LIVING IN THE now (which incorporates past-present-future..CONTINUUM..this is hard for you to comprehend right now..SO LET ME HELP YOU to see reality in a way that will advance you far beyond your wildest dreams ..By being your SOULFRIEND. on our journey....MUCH LOVE AND (OM TAT SAT)=may the light illumine you BROTHER-SISTER..YOURS TRUELLY..... .WITH LOVE LIGHT I GREET YOU ...namaste ..from Bridgettevee
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